
Aesthetics and function in harmony

Distinctive interiors where aesthetics and functionality seamlessly intertwine in one-of-a-kind projects. Every space tells a unique story through a combination of shapes, materials, colors, and details, creating environments that are meant to be experienced. Whether for a Superyacht or architectural design, we specialize in crafting interiors that adapt to contemporary living.

Our Stories

01 04

Press review

Fortune Italia: a talk with Luca Dini


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Fortune Italia: a talk with Luca Dini


Cantieri Navali Codecasa - Classic 24M: M/Y Vero touches the water for the first time


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WiderCat 92: the launch of the avant-garde catamaran


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Press review

Love That Design - The visionary design of Luca Dini


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Press review

CW Property - Sailing beyond boundaries


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Press review

Centurion - A man without limits


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